Martha Washington Wine Coaster
The original bottle slider is the inspiration for this Mount Vernon's Martha Washington Wine Coaster. Just like the original, a grooved, solid wood base keeps moisture off of the bottle and a felt underside protects the table. The rhodium-plated coaster does not need polishing.
The wine coaster is 1 ½" tall and 4 ½" in diameter.
George Washington once wrote to the Marquis de Lafayette in Paris for assistance in acquiring silver-plated table wares to properly equip his Mount Vernon dining room. While apologizing for putting Lafayette through the trouble of securing such goods for him, he suggests he turned to his protégé because he did "...not incline to send to England (from whence I formerly had all my goods) for anything I can get upon tolerable terms elsewhere", and that the Marquis was much better aware of "our customs, taste, and manner of living in America."
Eight "Bottle Sliders" and "Two Bread-baskets, middle size" were among the items that Washington requested of Lafayette. One breadbasket and one bottle slider with similar neoclassical design elements remain in the Mount Vernon collection. Both items exhibit heavy piercing, engraving, and rows of leaves enclosing wheelwork flowers connected by swags.
View the original: Mount Vernon Collection - Bottle Slider
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