Mount Vernon, Official Guidebook
The Mount Vernon Official Guidebook contains 208 pages filled with beautiful color photography of George Washington's Mount Vernon bound in a sturdy and glossy cover.
Full-color diagrams of all three floors of Washingtonâs Mansion, The Ford Orientation Center and The Donald W. Reynolds Museum and Education Center are all included in this new 2022 edition.
Within this essential guide for your visit to Mount Vernon, George and Martha Washingtonâs beloved home, is a Plan Your Visit section that is the perfect assist for readers to maximize their experience at the home of the Father of Our Country.
The Exploring Mount Vernon section takes the reader on a page by page tour of George Washingtonâs mansion and outbuildings, as well as the Distillery & Gristmill. Filled with high definition photographs, explanations of the mansion grounds, and artifacts. In addition to the mansion, the guide features the Washington family tombs, the Slave Memorial and Cemetery, the Potomac River Wharf, as well as the estate Farm.